Thursday, March 4, 2010

Welcome Home, My Karito Kid

You know that I love high-quality vinyl dolls for my girls because I want them to be beautiful and durable.  Well, this find in my latest trip through Tuesday Morning is just perfect!  Meet our Karito Kid, Mia.  She has been renamed to fit in with the rest of our dolly lineup.  She is 20-21" tall so she is right in the middle of the American Girl Doll and the My Twinn.  Her lovely body is more slender than either of the other dolls and is different in that she has a vinyl breastplate.  This should make dressing her in some fashions very nice since she has that nice neckline.  The rest of her trunk is hand-strung, soft and huggable.  She poses great, stands nicely, has a sweet expression, and her fixed, hazel eyes are of terrific lustre!  I must say she has a bit too much eye make-up for my taste, but nothing like some of the alternatives  that are available on the market today.  It is not grossly overdone, just a little grown-up.  Also, I must mention that her skirt really is too short if you are training your daughters to dress modestly.  This was an easy fix for us though.  We simply added another row of gathers to the bottom of her skirt.  The outfit she came with is also quite well made and not likely to fall apart with the use a child would put it through.  Even her boots seem sturdy and durable.  Gia (their name) comes with a great wig that is washable and styleable.  It is very good quality and manageable length.  I would have to say that for the dynamite price of $29 I will be going back in search for more Karito Kids Dolls!